Reading List: Public Speaking Cheat Sheet

This week, we were very impressed with this London Speaker Bureau infographic (below). 

"A 9-Step Cheat Sheet for Becoming a Public Speaking Expert" certainly packs an informative punch and manages to remain easy on the eye. There is simply so much in it.

To be frank, the title is altogether rather misleading as we've counted 40+ tips. So, while we're not entirely sure what the intended 9 steps are meant to be, you will certainly be better off for having scrolled through this handy speaker graphic.

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Standout quote: "As a rule, simplicity of language marks superb speechmaking."

A 9 Step Cheatsheet for Becoming a Public Speaking Expert

Reading List is a new kind of post for our Effective Business Communication blog. Each week, we’ll point to an article, video or graphic that has taken our interest. The posts that made us stop scrolling and listen. We’d love to hear what you think in the comments below.