Mercer | Client Case Study
Close rates boosted by 25%-50%
Mercer is the world’s largest human resources consulting firm. Their Health & Benefits division operates in a complex and highly competitive market. As the largest supplier in the North American health and benefits market, Mercer faces stiff competition from many smaller, newer entrants who are keen to take over Mercer’s established clients at contract renewal.
Mercer wanted to up-skill their USA sales teams, better equipping them to prepare and deliver sales presentations, particularly to established clients at contract renewal. The management team was looking for a solution that engaged their top sales people and could also be rolled out quickly across their sales and consulting teams.
“Active Presence improved the close rates of Mercer’s USA sales teams by between 25% to 50%.”
Active Presence created a bespoke training programme for Mercer. We ran a three day workshop for the top 26 sales representatives in the USA, recording the entire event to video with multiple cameras. The workshop covered both presentation creation and delivery, and was a highly engaging event with break-out exercises, individual exercises and overnight ‘homework’ assignments.
The 26 delegates were drawn from across Mercer’s USA offices. After the workshop their role was to pass on their learning to their colleagues. The workshop was both an educational exercise and a ‘teach-the-teachers’ (T3) event. To help the rollout go smoothly Active Presence created an online learning experience using the video recorded during the T3 workshop. All employees attending a local event facilitated by one of the 26 T3 delegates was required to take the online course first. This ‘double-dip’ process ensured a consistent learning experience was delivered to all employees.
More than 700 Mercer employees have been through the program.
The program has improved the close rates of the sales teams by at least 25% and up to 50%.