Reading List: How to Convert Leads into Customers

This week, we were pleased to bump into this pleasantly short and snappy post about converting sales leads into customers.

“Everyone wants to shorten their sales cycle,” the piece begins.  Bold, broad and all assuming, John Bonini’s blog post does not beat about the bush.

To be fair, shortening your sales cycle isn’t likely to be kick-started by you reading a textbook. Who has time for that during the working day?

What you need is the ability to create a simple, targeted workflow with specific business goals in mind. This post will get you there in 4 easy-to-follow steps. Hallelujah.

Estimated Reading Time:  2 minutes

Standout Quote: “By the end of a successful workflow, your leads will have either already closed into a customer, or gotten to the last step in your sales process in order for your sales team to take over.”

Reading List is a new kind of post for our Effective Business Communication blog. Each week, we’ll point to an article, video or graphic that has taken our interest. The posts that made us stop scrolling and listen. We’d love to hear what you think in the comments below.