How to be quicker to market with the best sales kit you’ve ever had
21st Century marketing is a tough gig. The fast pace and rapid changes can lead to strained relationships with your colleagues in sales. If you’re in product marketing you have a doubly difficult job: you need to both educate the sales force and equip them with great sales materials – and in double quick time, before your competitors can respond.
It takes huge stamina to stay on top of the game and continue to deliver exceptional materials to the rest of your organization in a timely manner. Rapid response is a critical success factor and getting spread too thin a major worry. Too frequently we’ve seen the absence of good sales materials result in product managers being dragged into pre-sales support roles by a sales team eager to close a deal involving new and unfamiliar products.
None of this is good for business long term and it certainly isn’t good for the health of the people involved. Sales teams get frustrated, marketing gets frazzled – and worst of all – deals get missed. There is no taste so bitter as dropping a deal into a competitor’s lap because the right people weren’t in the right place at the right time with the right message.
We can help you fix that. We understand that closing complex B2B sales is much harder than it used to be. Clients are increasingly better informed and you're having to work a lot harder to stay ahead of the pack.
Your clients are realigning their businesses to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. The growing demand for staff flexibility has expanded both teamwork and devolved responsibility – directly increasing the number of people involved in purchasing decisions.
Research by Gartner asserts that the average corporate purchasing decision now involves seven different departments. Little wonder it’s impossible for your colleagues in sales to get all the decision makers into the same room at the same time. You can help them recruit internal champions to spread your message.
Getting in the way is the real villain of the piece: the noisy world in which we now live, with many of us bombarded by high volumes of low quality, inappropriate messages. Although you may not be ‘throwing mud at the wall in the hope that some of it sticks’, sadly there are still companies out there engaging in this poor quality, outdated technique. And all they’re doing is making life harder for those wanting to do a decent job.
It’s time to focus on what really counts. Your company can succeed without a lot of things – but customers isn’t one of them. If prospects stop converting, your business is toast.
And the Number One converting tool? A seriously good sales presentation – one that speaks to the needs of your customers, answers their questions, allays their fears and captures their hearts.
We believe marketing should look upon sales presentations as one of their most valuable assets and a sound investment in the future of the business.
When most business people hear the word presentation, they think; slides. At Active Presence, we use the word presentation to encapsulate the whole experience that engages the audience and leaves them remembering your message.
A cracking sales presentation comprises a careful blend of:
- Graphic design
- Buying psychology
- Persuasion techniques
A ton of research has been done into how the brain processes and remembers information. We’ve read all the papers, so you don’t need to. For example, Alan Baddeley is well known for his research on working memory, as is John Sweller for his related work on cognitive load. George Miller came up the ‘magic number’ of ‘seven, plus or minus two’. Richard Mayer’s contributions on multimedia learning have been particularly well received.
Our contribution has been to unite this body of work and bring it to bear on 21st Century business reality, for your benefit. And we’ve done that with our 4in1 Presentation Performance Package.
“With Chris Davidson’s new presentations we can present ourselves in a tighter and more focused way. Our messages are clearer and more memorable, making our entire group communications much more professional and effective”
Finally, it's your turn to boost marketing’s contribution to your firm’s close rates and win a ton of respect from your colleagues in sales for giving them a hand. The 4in1 Presentation Performance Package delivers precisely that. The name ‘4 in 1’ refers to fact that the package comprises four integrated elements:
- A brand new set of beautiful slides (Microsoft PowerPoint)
- A tightly integrated segue script (PDF)
- A narrated screenshot video for practice and rehearsal (MP4)
- Stage craft coaching to maximize the impact of your delivery
The final element – the stage craft coaching – has some flexibility built into it. We can deliver it via video-conference, or via an in-house workshop. UK based clients are welcome to visit our dedicated training studio in north west England.
We know the 4in1 Presentation Performance Package packs a punch and can have a hugely positive impact on the consistency of your company’s revenue stream. We also know that there’s a gap between believing and doing. The choice to bridge that gap is yours, and yours alone.
You can elect to carry on as you are. As I commented earlier, I wouldn’t expect that to work out well for any business looking for a bright future in the 21st Century. Alternatively, you can elect to take action and get a new result.
The action to take is to click the button below. You’ll be taken to a page where you’ll be asked to send us your current sales presentation, in addition to answering a few questions about your business. You’ll then given the opportunity to schedule a 30 minute slot in my diary. By the end of that call you’ll have a very clear idea as to how we can help you boost your firm’s close rates, reduce your own stress levels and build enormous respect from your colleagues in sales.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to speaking with you.
Click now and see the future.
Chris Davidson